Local Transport and Active Travel Strategy
Our Local Transport and Active Travel Strategy 2023-2028 (LTATS) sets out our vision, objectives and proposals for local transportation and Active Travel in North Ayrshire.
We use it to influence the actions of partner organisations who deliver aspects of transport within North Ayrshire's boundaries and surrounding regions.
We work with partner organisations to deliver the LTATS. They play a vital role in ensuring that North Ayrshire will have a sustainable and well-connected transport network.
A SEA Environmental Report of the LTATS has been produced. The role of the Strategic Environmental Assessment is to consider ways by which the LTATS can contribute to improvements in environment, social and economic conditions, as well as a means of identifying and mitigating any potential adverse effects that the Strategy might otherwise have. By doing so, it can help make sure that the proposals in the Strategy are the most appropriate given the alternatives. The Strategic Environmental Assessment is fundamentally a plan-making tool.
A copy of the LTATS and/or the SEA is available on request by emailing transportation@north-ayrshire.gov.uk.
Our Vision and Strategic Priorities
Our Vision is that “North Ayrshire will have a sustainable and well-connected transport network that meets the needs of all, supports an inclusive economy, healthier communities and creates an attractive place in which to live, work, visit and do business”. We have developed the following three strategic priorities that contribute to the overarching vision and provide a strategic context for what we want to achieve from our LTATS.
- Accessibility for All; Enhancing the range of sustainable transport opportunities to enable well connected access to employment, education and services
- Inclusive Economy; Improving the transport network and connectivity in North Ayrshire and beyond to create an attractive place for businesses and communities to thrive
- Healthier Communities; A transport network that enables sustainable healthy travel choices underpinned by a low carbon ethos to improve the quality of life for everyone
Our objectives
The five objectives below provide more detail on what the LTATS aims to achieve:
- Access to Employment and Services; Improve accessibility, availability, affordability and safety of the transport system, ensuring everyone can access town centres, jobs, education, healthcare and other everyday needs
- Reduce Emissions; Reduce carbon emissions caused by transport in North Ayrshire
- Active Travel and Communities; Encourage and enable physical activity and improved health and wellbeing in the communities for all through active travel
- Confidence in Public Transport; Improve the reliability, accessibility, safety, personal security, and integration of public transport services for all
- Transport Network Condition; Maintain the condition of the existing roads and active travel network
The following additional objectives have been developed for Active Travel:
- Enable people to walk, wheel and cycle within their local communities and to key attractors by the provision of a convenient, attractive, high quality and safer active travel network
- Facilitate an increase in the proportion of all journeys made by walking, wheeling and cycling
- Deliver training, events and promotion of active travel to encourage and enable more people to travel by active means
Public roads in North Ayrshire
Our List of Public Roads (PDF, 732kb) is a register of public roads in North Ayrshire.