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British Sign Language (BSL) plan

You can now watch short videos in British Sign Language (BSL) on how to access some of our key services, along with other sources of support

The British Sign Language (BSL) (Scotland) Act 2015 requires public bodies in Scotland to publish plans every six years. These plans show how they will promote and support BSL.

Our BSL Local Plan was developed in 2024, in partnership with:  

  • Ayrshire College
  • East, North and South Ayrshire Councils
  • East, North and South Ayrshire Health and Social Care Partnerships 
  • NHS Ayrshire & Arran

Our Ayrshire Shared BSL Local Plan 2024 to 2030 (PDF, 199kb) is available to view. A signed video of the plan is available below:

Below is our interim 3 year review for our 2018 to 2024 plan that you will find in both PDF and BSL versions:

You can also view the first BSL Local Plan summary (PDF, 397kb) and full version (PDF, 5.2mb). 

You can watch the playlist of signed videos on YouTube or in the player below.

Based upon the Scottish Government Plan, the BSL Local Plan sets out ten long-term goals for BSL in Ayrshire, covering:

  • Public Services
  • Early Years 
  • School Education
  • Post-School Education
  • Training and Work
  • Health, Mental Health and Wellbeing
  • Transport
  • Culture and the Arts
  • Justice
  • Democracy

It describes the actions the eight partners, mentioned previously, will take between 2018 and 2024 to make progress towards these goals.


If you have any questions about the plan, please contact northayrshireperforms@north-ayrshire.gov.uk.

If you have any questions relating to support for a sensory impairment please contact our Sensory Impairment team at: 01294 552771 or text them: 07824 837078.

For BSL users, if calling, we recommend using the Contact Scotland BSL Video Relay Service.