Gaelic Language Plan

The aim of the Gaelic Language (Scotland) Act 2005 is to secure the status of Gaelic as an official language of Scotland commanding equal respect to the English language. Our Gaelic Language Plan explains how we will promote and use Gaelic within our work and throughout North Ayrshire. 

As a local authority, which serves a diverse range of cultures, we are committed to developing our Gaelic provision and we will join other public bodies in producing their own Gaelic Language Plan.

We audited our provision for Early Years, Gaelic Cultural provision and Adult Learning and held discussions with communities about our approach of basic language acquisition through:

  • awareness raising of Scottish culture and history
  • information and awareness sessions for parents
  • musical tuition 
  • Scottish dance instruction

The Gaelic language skills of our workforce have been audited. This gives us a basis for growth.

The refresh of our first Gaelic Language Plan was approved by Bòrd na Gàidhlig on 11 September 2019.

Published Plans

Cabinet report

Gaelic Language Plan Public Consultation 2019-2024

North Ayrshire Council has engaged publicly on the draft of our Gaelic language plan through the 6 Locality Partnerships’ March 2019 meetings and through Consul, our digital engagement platform. Responses were small in number and demonstrated a variety of views.

The consultation is now closed and this is the summary (PDF, 189kb).

Gaelic Language Plan 2024 to 2029

The following plan is a draft which has not yet been approved and is subject to change:


Lesley Forsyth
Senior Manager (Information and Culture)/Àrd-mhanaidsear (Fiosrachadh is Cultar)
North Ayrshire Council/Comhairle Siorrachd Àir a Tuath
Cunninghame House/Taigh Choineagain
KA12 8EE

For any enquiries, please email the Adult Learning Team