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Cost of Living Support
A Local Government By-election has been called for Arran, see more information on the Arran By-election.
Find out about your council and the elected Members in North Ayrshire, including their contact information
Have your say on consultations in North Ayrshire
Information about the council and its committees, how decisions are made and your rights to attend meetings of the council and its committees.
View live and archived Council meetings and sign up to receive alerts about future live streams.
Information about elections, electoral registration, results and your representatives
Includes council structure, public holidays, media inquiries and various facts and figures
Find out about Community Wealth Building, which aims to ensure that wealth is locally owned and benefits local people
View strategies, plans and policy documents
Find out how North Ayrshire Council and its services are performing
Report fraud against North Ayrshire Council
Access information, including Freedom of Information (FOI) and Data Protection Act requests
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CPP consists of public, private and third sector agencies working with communities to deliver better services
Check the latest public information notices from North Ayrshire Council