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Free compost

Almost 12,500 tonnes of food and garden waste is collected from North Ayrshire each year. This is then recycled into rich compost which is made available for use by the Council and also offered from time to time to residents for free. Helping to close the loop and provide you with a valuable resource which you can use in your garden to grow healthy vegetables and plants.

From time to time we offer residents the chance to give their plants a boost with our free compost giveaway events. The compost will be loose, so take a bag and shovel with you.


Locations and dates will be announced on this page. Please also look out for updates on our social media channels.

Right Stuff, Right Bin

By recycling the right stuff in the right bin, you can:

  • help the Council reduce the £3 million spent sending waste for final disposal
  • contribute to environmental initiatives such as these which give something back to the community

Thank you for recycling your food and garden waste in your Brown Bin.