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Housing performance

We measure performance of the Housing Service at North Ayrshire Council.

Scottish Social Housing Charter (SSHC)

The Housing (Scotland) Act 2010 sets standards and outcomes which social landlords should aim to achieve, and to publish these in a Scottish Social Housing Charter. It is the landlord's responsibility to; meet outcomes and standards and report this information to tenants, homeless people & other service users.

Annual Return on the Charter (ARC)

All social landlords must collect and provide the Scottish Housing Regulator (SHR) with information on their performance in achieving the outcomes and standards in the Charter. The SHR uses the landlords’ ARC to report on progress in achieving the Charter outcomes and standards and use this information to inform their regulatory assessments. ARC 2022/23 (3rd party PDF, 1.2mb). Read our 2022/23 Annual Assurance Statement (PDF, 170kb) and AAS Supporting Evidence (PDF, 173kb).

Please note: the Annual Return on the Charter (ARC 2022/23) document may not be fully accessible to all. If you require a printed version please contact the Tenant Participation Team: tenantparticipation@north-ayrshire.gov.uk, 01294 324869.

Scottish Housing Regulator (SHR) Landlords Report

Each year the SHR publishes information to allow tenants, homeless people, other service users, other landlords, funders and policy makers to understand and compare landlords performance in achieving the Charter outcomes and standards. 

Performance Matters

Our annual newsletter has been developed and agreed with the North Ayrshire Network (NAN). It takes account of a wider consultation exercise undertaken with all tenants via an online survey.

Compliments and complaints

We welcome and learn from complaints and compliments about our Service. We have a Corporate complaints system and capture suggestions from tenants.

Consultation with tenants

Tenant Participation gives tenants the chance to be involved in decision making relating to the Housing Service. Every three years we invite tenants to take part in a customer satisfaction questionnaire. 

Feedback helps us to find out where we are not performing and helps us to fix those issues. It also provides information about areas where we meet, or exceed, expectations.

Benchmarking with other landlords

North Ayrshire Housing Service uses external benchmarking clubs. Through internal working groups we benchmark key areas of activity such as rents, re-let times etc. Information sharing helps us to identify areas where we could do better and learn different approaches or solutions.