Land use audits

Land audits inform the preparation of Local Development Plans, as well as providing information to Scottish Government and key infrastructure agencies in guiding future network investments.

The Planning Service prepares an annual housing land audit. The audit monitors housing sites with a capacity of 4, or more, new houses over the period 1 April to 31 March. They include information on housing completions and programming for the completion of housing sites that are:

  • allocated in the Local Development, and or
  • have planning permission

Housing Land Audits

Our storymap presentation of North Ayrshire's 2023 Housing Land Audit includes the location and key information about housing sites within North Ayrshire as of 1 April 2023.

Previous Housing Land Audit storymap presentations are available:

Housing Land Audit datasets, including GIS shapefiles are available to download from our Open Data Portal.

Town Centre Audits

To inform Local Development Plan 2, we worked with Scotland's Town Partnership and EKOS to prepare town-centre audits. The audits are available on the North Ayrshire Community Planning Partnership website or by contacting the Strategic Planning team.

Updated information on our town centres will form part of the Evidence Report for LDP3.

Employment Land Audit

Our storymap presentation of North Ayrshire's 2023 to 2024 Employment Land Audit includes the location and key information for all the employment sites within North Ayrshire as of 1 April 2024.