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Millport Coastal Flood Protection Scheme

On 10 November 2020 the Cabinet reached the final decision and confirmed the Millport Coastal Flood Protection Scheme without modification, agreed the indicative project timescale and approved the commencement of the final design of the scheme.

The Scheme became operational on 13 January 2021 and the detailed design development started. North Ayrshire Council has developed the Millport Coastal Flood Protection Scheme with close community involvement.

In January 2023, Van Oord UK Ltd were appointed as the Main Contractor for the works. Works began on site in March 2023.

What does the scheme involve?

Onshore works (spring 2023 to Autumn 2024)

  • Precast concrete walls and stepped revetments.
  • Wall repairs and repainting.
  • Landscaping and improvement works.
Onshore work schedule
  1. Stuart Street and Guildford Street: Wall repairs and repainting is complete.
  2. Glasgow Street (west of the bus shelter): Precast concrete wall is complete.
  3. Cross House revetment and Glasgow Street: Precast concrete wall and stepped revetment, April 2023 to July 2024.
  4. Glasgow Street (east of the bus shelter): Precast concrete wall is complete.
  5. Crosshouse to Kelburn Street: Precast concrete wall, adjustment to levels of grass area, March 2023 to August 2024.
  6. Kames Bay: Precast concrete stepped revetment, raising grass area, October 2023 to September 2024.
  7. Milburn Street: Precast concrete wall is complete.
  8. Crichton Street: Precast concrete wall and stepped revetment, January 2024 to August 2024.
  9. No proposed works.
  10. Marine Parade: Precast concrete wall, May 2024 to September 2024.
  11. Refurbish 2 existing jetties is complete.

Offshore works (September 2023 to February 2024)

  • breakwater and rock revetment
  • onshore connected rock revetment (incorporated as part of the offshore works)
Offshore work schedule

Construction of the offshore breakwater completed in February 2024:

  • breakwater at Crichton Street
  • rock revetment at Milburn Street
  • rock revetment at Clyde Street
  • rock revetment on the foreshore at Glasgow Street/ Kelburn Street

The foreshore rockworks at Clyde Street is complete. 

Working hours

The working hours for onshore works are:

  • Monday to Friday: 7.30am to 5.30pm
  • Saturday: 7.30am to 1pm

There will be no working on Sundays and bank holidays. 

Milburn Street/Crichton Street and Kames Bay/Kelburn Street

Crichton Street work area 8 - Placement of the step revetments is now complete, in situ concrete pours are underway, followed by the placement of the high-level furniture units. 

Work area 7 - Millburn Street unit placement will start on the week commencing 8 July. Area completion for work area 7 and 8 expected August 24. 

Work area 6 - Kames Bay revetment placement is complete, in situ pours and centre access unit placement will continue, followed by the shelter installation.

Glasgow Street, Pier Hotel to the Tavern Bar

Work areas 2 and 4 Glasgow Street were opened for the summer holiday period and are accessible to the public, finishing works continues with timber installed on the bench units.

Marine Parade

Works area 10 - Marine Parade, works have progress well in the last period with the first stage mass fill concrete behind the existing wall complete. Second stage concrete pour is ongoing, and placement of the wall units is scheduled to start week commencing 15 July. This work will be controlled using traffic lights and a single lane closure during working hours only (7am to 7pm).


Works area 3 – Works in and around Crosshouse are ongoing with the north and mid walls complete. The remaining units to be placed on the south wall and repairs to the existing Kelburn Street revetement now finished. Reinstatement and completion of the area is expected for the end of July 24. 

Further scheme information

For more information about the Millport Flood Protection Scheme, please email the Community Liaison Officer (CLO) or call them on 07868 370448 (monitored Monday to Friday, 9.30am to 5pm).

You may visit in person at the Project Information Unit on Glasgow Street, open Fridays from 1pm to 5pm.

Environmental Statement 

The findings of the environmental impact assessment have been set out in an Environmental Statement.

View the topics and non-technical summary of all chapters

Visualisation Video

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