Home   Pests, pollution and food hygiene   Report a statutory nuisance

Report a statutory nuisance

Statutory nuisances are defined in Section 79 of the Environmental Protection Act 1990.

Examples of statutory nuisances are:

We have a duty to investigate complaints about potential statutory nuisances.

If there is sufficient evidence of a statutory nuisance, Environmental Health will serve notice (an Abatement Notice) on the person responsible for the nuisance.

If the identity of that person is not known, notice may be served on the owner or occupier of the land where the nuisance exists.

Register your complaint

Please contact Environmental Health to register your complaint. 

We will make every effort to respond to your complaint within 5 working days

Complaints considered to be high priority will receive a response by the following working day.

Domestic waste 

Please use our Waste reporting section to tell us about problems with:

  • dog fouling
  • graffiti
  • fly-tipping and fly posting
  • abandoned vehicles
  • dead animals

Contact Environmental Health




01294 324339


North Ayrshire Council, Housing & Public Protection, Environmental Health, Cunninghame House, Irvine, KA12 8EE