Property Enquiry Certificates are normally issued in relation to the sale of a piece of land or property.
They contain information on notices and policies which affect the property at the time of enquiry, including:
- Local Development Plan land use allocation/policies
- whether the property is designated as a listed building, a scheduled ancient monument, or is within a conservation area
- whether it is within any international, national or local natural environment designations or covered by a Tree Preservation Order
- Environmental Health notices or issues
- statutory Building Standards notices
- Housing notices
- water and drainage issues
- information regarding the adoption status of roads, footways and verges
Request a Property Enquiry Certificate
Please note: A Property Enquiry Certificate does not provide a planning application history relative to the site. To request a planning history search for a property, please see the following section = Property planning history.
Complete and return a:
Fee is £72 per property, please send a cheque payable to 'North Ayrshire Council'.
If the land, or property, is rural or on the Isle of Arran, please include a location plan showing the property.
For urgent requests, please email Property Enquiries. We will begin the process and send the Certificate to you once payment is received.
What happens next?
We aim to reply to requests within 3 working days.
Property planning history search
We provide a search service on the planning history of North Ayrshire properties. We can provide copies of relevant planning documents.
There is no restriction on the number of searches an individual can request. Each request must clearly identify an individual property.
The fee for this service is £106.05 per property.
Make a request by completing a Search Request application.