If you intend erecting a raised structure, for any sort of event, within North Ayrshire you will need permission. Building Standards issues consent for raised structures under Section 89 of the Civic Government (Scotland) Act 1982..
Building Standards defines a 'raised structure' as any structure where any part of the finished floor level is 600mm, or more, above ground level which provides seating or standing accommodation.
You do not need this permission if a Building warrant has been granted or if scaffolding or similar equipment is being used in connection with building works.
Application fees
Applications for permission to erect a raised structure will not be registered or processed until the appropriate fee has been paid in full. Fees as follows:
- occupant capacity of 1,000 people is base rate of £408.80
- occupant capacity more than 1,000 people is base rate plus £150 per additional 1,000 people or part thereof, for example, 5,000 attendees is £558.80
- occupant capacity of less than 1,000 people will be calculated on a time basis
Apply for permission
To apply for permission to erect a raised structure, please email Building Standards.
What happens next?
A Building Standards Surveyor will carry out inspections to be satisfied that the raised structure:
- has been safely constructed and secured with regard to the intended use
- has sufficient means of access and egress including means of escape in an emergency situation
- has been inspected by the relevant structural engineer
- the completion certificate has been issued
Building Standards may specify conditions deemed necessary for the use of the raised structure, including the maximum number of persons permitted to use it.
On receipt of the above information and once satisfied the raised structure is suitable for purpose the Section 89 certificate will be issued by North Ayrshire Council.