Data Protection

The Data Protection Act 2018 regulates the way the Council manages your personal data. The core principles are designed to keep your personal information confidential, accurate and secure.

North Ayrshire Council is a local authority established under the Local Government etc. (Scotland) Act 1994 and is registered with the Information Commissioner's Office (ICO) as a data controller (registration number Z4840237).

In order to provide certain services, you will need to provide us with personal information. We will use this information to:

  • verify your identity where required
  • to contact you
  • to maintain our records

The precise lawful basis for the Council using your personal information will vary depending on which service we are providing to you.  Further details, including your rights under data protection law, can be obtained from our Privacy Policy

Make a Subject Access Request

Data protection legislation gives you a legal right of access to your personal data. This is called a Subject Access Request. Requests must be made in writing or on a Personal Data Protection Request form (Word, 66kb)

You must include:

  • as much detail of the information that you are seeking - this will help us locate the data requested. For example, which department holds it and the timeframe for your request.
  • proof that you are the individual and you will need to provide 2 documents in support. This could include: a passport, driving licence or a utility bill which should be less than 3 months old. At least 1 of the documents must contain your signature for comparison purposes.

You may supply the documents by presenting them in person. If making your application by post or email, please send photocopies.

Your application and proof of identity should be sent to the address below or emailed to

What happens next?

Your request will be acknowledged within 3 working days. We will respond to your request within one month of receiving it.

Once we respond to your request, you will receive:

  • a copy of all, or part, of the data we hold about you and an explanation why some data cannot be provided
  • reasons why we keep your data
  • details of who we share your data with

Can I see all the information that is held about me?

Usually, you will be given a copy of all the information that the council keeps about you. There are times when we will withhold some information, such as:

  • information about another member of your family, unless explicit permission has been given by that person
  • information which has been given about you by a person who does not work for, or on behalf of, North Ayrshire Council, unless explicit permission has been given by such an individual
  • information which may prevent the detection of a crime or prosecution of an individual, or which may affect a legal matter such as care proceedings
  • information which it is believed would cause you, or another person, serious physical, mental or emotional harm if shared or disclosed.

Asking for information on someone's behalf

You can ask a 3rd party representative to act on your behalf when making a Subject Access Request, such as, a solicitor, financial advisor, doctor, carer or family member. In this case, the council must be satisfied that you have consented to this arrangement so we will ask your representative to demonstrate this.

Parental and guardian rights

In cases where data subjects are incapable of understanding or exercising their rights, for instance because they are too young, then Subject Access Requests may be made by parents or other persons who are legally able to act on behalf of the data subjects.

What if I want to change or amend information that is held about me?

If you believe that the information we hold about you in our records is incorrect you can request that it is removed or corrected. We will consider your request and may ask for further details or evidence to support it. If we are satisfied that the information we have is inaccurate we will make sure that it is either erased or amended.

Contact Data Protection Officer



Data Protection Officer, North Ayrshire Council, Cunninghame House, Irvine, KA12 8EE