How we engage with communities
North Ayrshire Council has been building its approach to community empowerment, strengthening communities and supporting community organisations. The strategic direction is set out in the Community Empowerment (Scotland) Act 2015.
Increasing community control over decisions and assets
Local people know their communities better than anyone. Partnership working allows communities to control their own decisions and shape their future. Initiatives include:
- Shaping North Ayrshire - consultations and debates
- Participatory Budgeting - giving people the power to decide how to spend money on projects
- Community Councils - the most local tier of government
- development of Community Planning Locality Partnerships including the Community Investment Fund and our Local Development Plan which sets out our approach to integrating community and spatial planning
- our Youth Citizenship and Participation Strategy document and youth participatory budgeting
- help for our island communities including a pilot of the first Scottish joint Locality Planning Partnership and HSCP Locality Forum on Arran, our National Islands Plan, and the Millport Coastal Flood Protection Scheme
- Tenant Participation - listening and responding to our tenants
Community empowerment
Engagement, consultation, and working with communities to deliver outcomes are at the core of our work. Our Council Plan sets out our priorities and how we will work with communities to deliver it.
The Community Planning Partnership, with consultation hub and engagement network, provides an opportunity for partners to share news, opportunities, skills and experience, and to contribute to the Community Engagement Strategy.
Our Community Learning and Development Plan sets out the importance of involving people, sharing priorities and ensuring workforce planning and governance underpin our commitment to meeting the needs of learners.
Building better relationships
As a result of engaging with communities to co-produce our approach to Locality Planning we have been rewarded with a Skills Development award from the Consultation Institute and a Bronze Award by COSLA. This enabled us to join the Scottish Government steering group for the Community Empowerment strand of the Local Governance Review.
Other initiatives include:
- participating in the national pilot of Place Standard
- working with Carnegie UK as their UK test site for kindness
Reducing inequalities and improving outcomes
Fairness and equality are at the heart of our Council Plan. We are determined to tackle inequalities and create a society where no one lives in poverty, where the economy is inclusive, and where everyone has the same life chances to live fulfilling and healthy lives. To ensure this happens we have plans in place and support events which include:
- Community Planning Partnership Community Plan
- Health Foundation Young People's Future Health Inquiry
- Child Poverty Action Plan
- Challenge Poverty Week