Declaration made in Kilwinning by-election
Posted on 10 May 2024
The Returning Officer for North Ayrshire, Craig Hatton, has declared the following local result in the Ward 6 Kilwinning By-Election.
Name of Candidate
Number of First Preference Votes
Stage Elected
Ian Charles Gibson
Scottish Family Party – Putting Families First
Sheila Gibson
Scottish National Party (SNP)
Mary Hume
Scottish Labour Party
Ruby Kirkwood
Scottish Liberal Democrats
Chris Lawler
Scottish Conservative and Unionist
The Count was held at Nethermains Community Centre and was carried out electronically as local Council elections in Scotland use the Single Transferable Voting system, which allows voters to rank candidates in their preferred order.
After the application of the election rules, Mary Hume, Scottish Labour Party, was elected at Stage 1 and is now duly elected as Councillor to represent Ward 6 Kilwinning.
The total number of ballot papers received was 4,038.
The total number of rejected ballot papers was 42.
Ballot papers are rejected if they do not bear the unique identifying mark; there is no indication of first preference for a candidate; first preference is expressed for more than one candidate; writing or a mark could identify the voter; or unmarked or void for uncertainty.
The percentage turnout for this by-election was 30.2%.