Music tuition
Our team of dedicated music specialists work in North Ayrshire schools, offering tuition in:
- strings - violin, viola, cello, double bass
- woodwind - flute, clarinet, oboe, bassoon, saxophone
- brass - trumpet, cornet, horn, trombone, baritone, euphonium, tuba
- percussion
- guitar
- piano
Playing a musical instrument
Playing a musical instrument is fun and can help develop learning skills. Music tuition can teach your child:
- to read music
- improved motor skills through co-ordination
- improved social skills by being part of a group
- self-confidence, patience, discipline and commitment
Studies have shown that children who learn to play a musical instrument show significant growth and development in other areas of learning.
What does it cost?
The Scottish Government has allocated funding to all Local Authorities which allows the Music Service to maintain current provision at no cost to participants. As a result, there is no charge for pupils receiving instrumental lessons through the North Ayrshire Music Service during academic year 2024/2025.
The Scottish Government and Local Authorities will be working together to develop a long term sustainable model for instrument music delivery.
Parent/carers may be asked to provide resources for lessons such as music books and reeds. Where this is not possible due to financial pressures, resources will be provided to the pupil to ensure there are no barriers to learning.
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