Recycling centres and points
Key information: We appreciate our customers have a lot of storm damaged material to dispose of after Storm Eowyn. This places our Household Waste Recycling Centres under significant additional pressure. Our busiest site is Bartonholm Recycling Centre and there are often queues to access it prior to opening time. To help alleviate the demand on this site following the storm, Bartonholm Recycling Centre will open an hour earlier at 9am this week.
Household Waste Recycling Centres (HWRCs) are for North Ayrshire residents to dispose of household waste. A list of waste accepted at HWRCs is available on our Recycling in North Ayrshire page.
Please take waste to your nearest HWRC, unless otherwise stated.
You must bring proof of North Ayrshire residency to enter the site. This can be one of the following:
- council tax bill
- driving licence
- utility bill
Identification documents must be displayed and clearly visible on the car's dashboard.
Please see our Recycling centres section to find out the arrangements in place for your nearest HWRC.
If queuing outside the sites, please stay in your vehicle and switch off your engine to protect public health and the environment.
Don't bring items that are too big or heavy to handle yourself. Our site attendants won't be able to help you unload your car and dispose of your waste.
No pedestrian access is allowed to HWRC sites.
Our Tip Permit Scheme for householders allows up to 12 visits to our HWRC sites within one year.
Before you visit, please check what can be recycled at each site.
We have changed the way we dispose of upholstered furniture to reduce potential harm to the environment.