Hypnotism licence

The council does not currently license displays of hypnotism under the Hypnotism Act 1952.

Due to the revision of the Council’s Resolution on Public Entertainment, hypnotism might be included as something requiring a Public Entertainment Licence. If you are planning a display of hypnotism you should contact us for advice.

Premises Licenses for the sale of alcohol will be entitled to hold hypnotism exhibitions only if this is included in the Operating Plan (part of the Licence). If the Operating Plan does not include hypnotism exhibitions, the Premises Licence Holder can ask the Licensing Board to vary the Licence. This decision can only be made at meeting of the Board. An application for variation should be lodged at least 2 months before the planned event.

Contact Licensing




01294 310000


Licensing Section, Legal Services, North Ayrshire Council, Cunninghame House, Irvine, KA12 8EE