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Private sector housing advice

Empty homes

Buy, sell or report an empty home

Equipment and adaptations

As a private tenant or homeowner, get changes made to allow you to move around your home more easily

Private tenant and homeowner advice

Find out about our private sector advice and scheme of assistance to help repair, maintain, improve or adapt homes

Letting agent registration

How to register as a letting agent, including information on the Code of Practice

Advice for private landlords

As a private landlord, check your responsibilities and access support/advice

North Ayrshire Property Factoring Service

Learn about our Property Factoring service and the role they play in managing property maintenance

Empty homes loan fund

Find out about the Empty home loan fund

Private landlord registration

Who needs to register as a private landlord and how can they do so

Private Sector Advice Service

The Private Sector Advice Service offers advice and assistance to anyone with housing issues in the Private sector

The Tenement Management Scheme

Find out about the Tenement Management Scheme

The Tolerable Standard

The Tolerable Standard for housing in Scotland